Our Services
ICS, as an independent consulting firm, offers complete services in landscape irrigation system design services with specialisation in the following areas:-

Master Planning

Irrigation Design
& Calculations

Pump Station Design

Project Management


Irrigation Take-offs
Project Types
- Large mixed use Communities.
- Large Scale Residences and Farmhouses.
- Schools and Universities.
- Hotel and Resorts.
- Large Scale Commercial.
- Open Space Park and Reserves.
- Race tracks, Sports Arenas including Cricket and Football Ovals.
- Golf Courses.

- Determine client and design team expectations.
- Information and resource collection: landscape AutoCAD base plan, BOM local climate information, plant & soil material information.
- Discuss site wide water strategy and future expansion (if applicable).
- Determine peak water demands & water budget.
- Discuss specific hydrozoning and other site requirements.
- Establish the preferred methods to irrigate including equipment preferences, emitter selection and control methods.
- Confirm water supply type and location.
- Confirm power supply location and availability.
- Preliminary irrigation plan in AutoCAD showing controller and water location, suggested sleeve locations, proposed mainline route, valve locations and hydrozone areas.
- Expand on preliminary drawing to include complete irrigation layout in AutoCAD. Includes emitter/spray layout, pipe layout & hydraulics, valve locations, sleeves and conduits, confirmed controller and sensor locations in readiness for Tender issue.
- Installation detail of major components.
- Irrigation schedule & valve schedule.
- Watering schedule & runtime schedules.
- Technical specification document.
- Schedule of rates.
- Pre-tender opinion on probable costs.
- Assistance with the tender review process.
- Tender and Construction issue plans.
- Site inspection after layout (staking) of irrigation.
- Site inspection for nominated hold points.
- Site visit for minor defects reporting at commissioning (Practical Completion).
- Site visit for defects rectification before handover.